Adam Ebernickel
Adam Ebernickel is a native to northeast Tennessee, works and serves around his area. He has a degree in drafting and design, mechanical draftsman, technology, and certification in CSWA, CSWP, CSWP-DT, CSWP-W, CSWP-SM, CSWP-S, 3DEXPERIENCE. He has 20+ years of design/engineering experience. He has worked for Altec Ind. for over ten years and has taught at Mayland in the Applied Engineering Department and ConEd for almost the same amount of time. He volunteers in the SOLIDWORKS Community as the WNC Asheville SWUG leader, Southeast Regional SWUG rep, Altec SWUG rep, and SW Champion. In his spare time, he loves to ride his motorcycle, travel, camp, and boat with his wife, daughter, and two sons.
Brad "Tank" Meador
Tank is a native to the Roanoke VA area. He is a mechanical designer with 18 years of SOLIDWORKS experience and a Project Designer at Altec Industries for the past 12 years. After being awarded his CSWE in 2018, he has been on a mission to help SOLIDWORKS users worldwide level up their cad game by teaching at many 3DEXPERIENCE World Conferences, leading the StarCitySWUG user group as well as being a member of the SOLIDWORKS Champions program. When not working or teaching, Tank is a husband, father, motorcycle enthusiast, live music producer and overall tech nerd.